Myths developed on the ground of polytheism (many gods). A myth led the existence and history of the world and man back to the acting of divine creatures, to their work in heaven and on earth, with their meetings with people and in the Underworld or Hades.
Following human living conditions these gods live together in families of gods and have human opinions.
A myth explains the reasons of events (eg. creation/origin of the world), it doesn't form judgements, which can be checked scientifically. The events of the myths don't report about actual events in the objective-historical sense.
Navajo mythology, Story of Creation - Read it here.
Babylonian myth of Enum Elisch about the creation of the world.
In monotheism (one God - i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam) criticism of myths took place, in which the one and only God in his super-human state stood opposite the humanizing point of view of the mythical events of the many gods.
A theory is based on a scientific way of looking at things and assumptions which include systematic observations. They are the contemplations of models of the reality (things that can mentally conceived and grasped for us till today) by pure thinking to find a way to the truth.
Theory of Evolution (Darwin)
The theory describes the development of the species as a result of biological process like reproduction, variation/mutation by chance and selection.
World View
A world view, that means the description and interpretation of the world, depends on the time and the environment in which people live, as well as on their own experiences and convictions, and the level of knowledge of this time. Therefore a world view can partly or fully become outdated.
It is a world view connected with basic experiences (they are valid for people in other times and on other places), so a world view can be described and interpreted newly. Then the old descriptions regarding to these basic experiences are not wrong but can be difficult to understand.
Biblical World View
This is not a creation-theory, but it is the connection of a 'variety of experiences' and as far as we can tell not always logical experiences of faith of the people in those biblical days/times. It is about the relationship between God-world and man from the very beginning, and about the majesty and admiration of God. The biblical world view is understandable only against the background of faith.
There are attempts today to interpret the biblical world view in Genesis 1 (creationism, intelligent design). With lateral thinking they try to link, ( or interpret) God and God's actions with the human mind after traditional or modern points of view.
Creationists believe that the biblical stories of creation describe the actual development of the universe and life. They refuse the theory of the big bang and evolution. Instead they believe that man, animals and plants were created by God and didn't change.
Short-term creationists believe that God created the world in six days. They guess the world's age is 6,000 years.
Long-term creationists believe that the six days of creation (in the 7th day God rested) stand for a long time and that the literal interpretation of the Bible can be harmonized with scientific knowledge.
Creationists refuse Darwin's theory of evolution.
Intelligent Design
This is the modern form of creationism. Representatives of 'intelligent design' have the opinion that certain features of the universe and life can be explained best by the existence of an intelligent origin, namely God. With their arguments they follow scientific (proved) insights.
We call people who break off connection with God 'atheists'. They refuse the existence of any God and the biblical story of creation. For them the theories of the big bang and evolution are the true reasons for the development of the world, even if the knowledge is incomplete or rather theoretical on this field.